Step Into the Person You Were Born to Be!

In my over 7,000 readings, the angels have revealed one consistent trend: fear holds most people back. It’s not an exaggeration to say that up to 90% of people pass away with regrets—often because they didn’t follow their heart or purpose, worrying too much about what others would think.

Let’s change that together.

What most people don’t realize is that fear and abundance are complete opposites.

Fear keeps you small, trapped in a mindset of scarcity, telling you there’s not enough—whether that’s love, success, or joy. Fear convinces you to doubt yourself, question your worth, and shy away from the life you’re meant to live. It shrinks your world and blocks the flow of good things into your life.

Abundance, on the other hand, is expansive. It flows freely when you trust in yourself, the universe, and the divine support always around you. Abundance is your natural state when you release fear, allowing you to open your heart to the miracles and opportunities that are already waiting for you.

That’s why I created this course—Release Fear & Embrace Miracles, starting November 1st. It’s designed to help you release the fears that have been blocking your full potential and step into the abundant, miraculous life you were always meant for.

By the end of this course, you’ll have learned how to let go of those fears and embrace the abundance and miracles that will transform your life in ways you’ve never imagined.

That’s what I believe is possible for you.

What to Expect from This Course:

This course is so much more than learning to overcome fear. It’s about awakening to your true soul-self, discovering the depth of angelic guidance, and finally living with the confidence, clarity, and abundance that you’ve been missing.

You’ll be empowered with tools, techniques, and direct angelic connection to shift from a life of uncertainty and fear to one that’s driven by purpose, joy, and miracles. As you move through this course, you’ll be able to look back and see that this was the moment everything changed.

Imagine This:

  • No more fear holding you back because you’ve identified and released your fears. 
  • Waking up with purpose, walking your soul’s true path, guided by your angels every step of the way.
  • Living with confidence, aligning with abundance, and attracting new opportunities with ease.
  • Creating a ripple effect: As you transform, you inspire your loved ones and community to live their fullest lives.

A future full of miracles and abundance: Your angels are ready to show you the miracles awaiting once you release what’s holding you back.

Who This Course is For:

  • You feel stuck, knowing there’s something more for you but unsure how to move forward.
  • You struggle with fear, self-doubt, or worrying about what others think.
  • You want to deepen your connection with your angels and hear their guidance more clearly.

You’re ready to embrace the miracles and abundance waiting for you and live with greater purpose and confidence.

How This Course Will Transform Your Life:

By the end of this course, you won’t just feel different—you will be different.

  • Release Fear: You’ll learn how to identify and release the fears that have been holding you back.
  • Open to Abundance & Miracles: Gain the tools to invite abundance into your life and create space for divine possibilities.
  • Follow Your True Path: Discover how to listen to your angels and align with your soul’s purpose.

Find Inner Freedom: Experience a profound sense of freedom and empowerment as you step into your true potential.

What You'll Get: 

  • Weekly Live Zoom Calls: Every Wednesday at 7 PM CT, join me for live teachings, healings, and Q&A sessions to ensure you’re fully supported on this journey.
  • Step-by-Step Teaching Videos: Pre-recorded content designed to show you exactly how to release fear and open your heart to miracles. 
  • Angelic Activations: Special healing activations that connect you with your angels and open you to their guidance and the miracles they have waiting for you.
  • Bonus Meditations: You’ll receive guided meditations designed to deepen your connection with your angels and help you release fear at the energetic level.
  • Personal Growth Exercises: Simple, effective exercises to help you apply what you’re learning and track your transformation as you move through the course.

Private Community Access for Members: Members enjoy a supportive community of like-minded souls, sharing their progress, insights, and angelic experiences throughout the course.

What Makes This Course Different? 

There are many courses out there, but Release Fear & Embrace Miracles is unique because it integrates spiritual growth, angelic guidance, and personal transformation in a way that creates lasting change. You won’t just feel better temporarily—you’ll walk away from this course as a new person, empowered and free from the fears that have held you back for years. 

Limited Time Offer! 

I believe that everyone deserves access to this kind of transformation, so I’ve lowered the cost of this course to only $133 (regularly $333) for a limited time.

Members get this course for free as part of their membership. Not a member yet? Join today to get access to this and future courses for no additional cost.

Special Offer: Get our Black Friday deal a month early! Use code ANGEL25 to buy 12 months of the annual membership for $1,088 and get this course included. You’ll receive a new course every month for a year and free LIVE events every Wednesday at 7 PM CT with me.

Class Details: 

  • Start Date: November 1st
  • Duration: You’ll have access to the course from Nov 1 - Dec 31, 2024, for members (60 days for non-members).
  • Investment: $133 for a limited time (regularly $333). Members get this course for free! Get our Black Friday deal a month early this year: Use code ANGEL25 to buy 12 months of the annual membership for $1,088 HERE and get this course included. That’ll give you a new course every month for a whole year and free LIVE events every Wednesday at 7 PM CT with me!

Commitment: This course requires your full commitment—no refunds or exchanges. This is your turning point, and I’m here to support you every step of the way.



Imagine The Possibilities:

What if this course is YOUR turning point?
What if it opens doors you never thought possible?
What if you finally release the fears that have been blocking you and live the life you were destined for?

This is your moment.
This is your year of miracles.
Join us, starting November 1st.


This 4-week course was pre-recorded and gives you access to teaching videos, several healing meditations, and 2 LIVE meetings in November 2024 (or recordings if viewing after November 2024). When you purchase this course, you will have access to it for 60 days from the time of purchase. 

Angel Members have access to walk through this course, and all of Julie’s courses, with a community forum, and live monthly small group meetings.


Annual Angel Members have access to all courses at once, while Monthly Angel Members get access to one course at a time starting with Oneness. Join the Angel Membership today!

*Purchase my Angels and Awakening book (a 2-in-1 book and workbook) that goes along with this course! All course purchases are final. We cannot move your start date – you have access to this course for 90 days from the time of purchase.